Transcarpathian health complex
Hotel "Sonyachny" in the village of Polyana, Zakarpattia Oblast, offers you so many health and recreation services that you will feel like you are on a real vacation after the first day of your stay here. All visitors stay in private rooms, the choice of which in the hotel is huge. Each room has a TV, furniture for storing things, a kettle and cups, a soft corner, in some rooms there are refrigerators and a jacuzzi. Very spacious, a little smaller - rooms for every taste. But not everyone sits in front of the TV, "Sonyachny" offers you to visit a room with hydromassage, coniferous or mineral baths; physiotherapy office; ozone therapy room. In addition, you can use the services of a massage therapist, therapist or pediatrician.
When all the health procedures are completed, you can have some fun by playing table tennis or swimming in the summer pool. Or you can sit by the fireplace in the hall, discussing plans for the next day. The price of accommodation also includes three meals a day. For this, "Sonyachny" has a large dining room, which resembles a very cozy restaurant.
Both the location of the hotel and the staff will pleasantly surprise you. And to make sure of this, visit the website, where a virtual 3D tour with 360 photos of the hotel has been prepared for you absolutely free of charge. See, check and come to relax in the Ukrainian Carpathians!
Click on the service to view the photo 360º
Hotel policies
Check in 14:00
Check out 12:00
Minimum booking period: 1 day
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